— 2022 AM Georgia: Deadline extended for in-person formats

Dear Member,

We would like to thank you for all submissions for this year Annual Meeting Georgia.

Since we are having several requests for late submissions, we decided, and are most happy, to extend the submission deadline for in-person presentation formats: poster presentations, workshops, meet-ups and masterclasses, until June 8th 2022. 

With this we would also like to create more opportunities for students to submit, so we kindly ask you to share this update.

You can directly access the submission platform here: https://enothe2022.exordo.com/

Keep up with the latest updates on the Annual Meeting here: https://enothe.eu/annual-meeting/georgia-22/

We look forward to meet you in Georgia!

Kind Regards,

Marta Figueiredo | ENOTHE Coordinator  

ENOTHE represents 100+ Institutions across 36 countries worldwide 

w: www.enothe.eu |e: info@enothe.eu
Facebook and Twitter: @enOThe1
a: Holzmeistergasse 7-9 / 2/1 | 1210 Vienna | Austria

Central Association Register ZVR: 1929 378541